Wooden desk with keyboard, notepad, coffee cup, pencils, and plant

KChamberlain Consulting, LLC

Welcome to

KChamberlain Consulting

Our team of experts is here to assist attorneys in understanding medical records for malpractice or personal injury cases. With our specialized knowledge in NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) and continuous education, we are equipped to provide the best support and guidance. Trust us to help you navigate the complexities of medical information and ensure a strong foundation for your legal cases.

Person using a laptop while holding a mug of tea
Smiling woman with curly hair wearing a red top against a blue background.

A Little About Me

I love my job!

I've spent over 30 years caring for the smallest and best patients. I love the field of neonatology. It is definitely a niche area of nursing, it is constantly changing, and there is always something new to learn. It's a great field if you get bored. I want to say I have done it all during the course of my career. I have attended thousands of high-risk deliveries, resuscitated newborns (too many times to count), and have been constantly amazed at the resiliency of the babies and their families.

I added neonatal nurse practitioner and doctor of nursing practice to my long line of credentials. (I believe it makes 24 grades total). I continue to strive to improve patient care and support families in what I see as one of the most difficult times of their lives. I love the challenge of learning more and helping others.

As I move forward into a new line of my career, I am excited to see how I can continue to support patients, their families, peers, and the healthcare system in general. My role as a Legal Nurse Consultant allows me to work alongside attorneys and support them in building their cases. I am an expert in medical records. I have spent over three decades writing them, reading them, analyzing them, and helping build them.

If you have ever met me, you know that another passion of mine is education. I will be posting on this site and LinkedIn some neonatal 101 and some advanced topics. Please reach out if you have any requests for specific topics of education and I will add it to my list.

Baby in neonatal incubator with monitoring equipment